Language Development Center(LDC)

Bunkyo Campus: 2nd floor of the University Library

Matsuoka Campus: 1st floor of the Medical Library

The LDC at Bunkyo campus is the facility for independent foreign language study by individuals and groups. We have a full range of facilities and materials, including highly soundproofed individual booths, DVD stations with a large number of DVDs to watch, and multi-purpose rooms for studying in groups. At Matsuoka Campus there are also private study rooms.

LDC at Bunkyo Campus

DVD Station

More than 1,000 DVDs are available with a wide range of contents. 

Listening & Speaking Booths

Soundproof rooms, with E-learning system equipped PC’s, are available too. 

Reading Lounge

More than 2,500 learning materials are available. Graded readers, textbooks, for language exams such as TOEIC, TOEFL and JLPT. 

Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)

Suitable room for group work with several people. This room is soundproof and can be used for discussions and presentation practices. 



LDC at Matsuoka Campus (SAC)

Located at Matsuoka Campus, the SAC, or Self-Access Center, has individual booths. You can use the study materials or watch movies. It also has a range of materials for language test preparation.