Bunkyo Campus: 2nd floor of the University Library
Matsuoka Campus: 1st floor of the Medical Library
The LDC at Bunkyo campus is the facility for independent foreign language study by individuals and groups. We have a full range of facilities and materials, including highly soundproofed individual booths, DVD stations with a large number of DVDs to watch, and multi-purpose rooms for studying in groups. At Matsuoka Campus there are also private study rooms.
LDC at Bunkyo Campus
DVD Station
More than 1,000 DVDs are available with a wide range of contents.
Listening & Speaking Booths
Soundproof rooms, with E-learning system equipped PC’s, are available too.
Reading Lounge
More than 2,500 learning materials are available. Graded readers, textbooks, for language exams such as TOEIC, TOEFL and JLPT.
Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)
Suitable room for group work with several people. This room is soundproof and can be used for discussions and presentation practices.